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Saturday 8 February 2014

Year seven folio's

Searching the web always looking for new ideas, borrowed this idea from Pinterest, where I really don't know where I got my ideas from in .... The good old days. 

Students looked and browsed using the iPads for Abstract Art, focusing on lines, shapes and patterns. Colour was investigated last through the use of oil pastels. Where we looked at blending, application and emphasizing colours finally using a black outline, if we chose to.

Names were placed in the middle using a white pencil we coloured in our name, ART, 2014!

Monday 3 February 2014

Marble jigsaw pieces finished

Year eight art, made large pieces of jigsaw puzzles. Each piece had coloured pencil drawings of marbles. We looked at shapes, reflection and tone while focusing on colour.

2013 eyes - painting, chalk pastels, coloured pencils.

Collage of students work in 2013 - using iPad