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Thursday, 6 December 2012

This is ME!

Year 7 - THIS IS ME!
A look at colours that represent them; using tissue paper, canvas board and a paper mask (work in progress). Now looking into what sort of images, words students could incorporate on the top to further demonstrate a self reflection.
Rylee's mask

What a great double lesson for the end the Year!!

Krista and Jacque
 The last double lesson for the year, this group of year 7's deserved something special; so with the acrylic paint that would have stayed in the bottles and gotten all smelly over the Christmas break, we decided to become creative.  The idea was to be colourful and camouflage our hand into the painting; here is our results.

Krista and Jacque




And at the end we took photos of just the hands....and some extra paint!


Thursday, 30 August 2012

Hunderwasser Landscapes - Works in progress.

Year seven art; after several homework worksheets, looking at his paintings and studying line, shape and colour it was time to do our own Hunderwasser landscapes. Focusing on the rejection of straight lines and organic formations.

Here are some visuals to help with the process.  Students had a choice of using all or one of the mediums to colour in their designs: coloured pencils, twisty crayons or acyclic paint.

Shoe Art Foilios

Here is some works in progress for this terms folio covers, I changed the design a little to cater for my class that showed creativity and talent.

Once the design was finsihed we attached it to a cardboard folder to make our own personalised portfoilios, I contacted them to protect them, during the term they get thrown around abit.





Famous Icons; Acrylic gel Medium Transfer.

Year Nine Art students are currently doing a canvas board using the Acrylic Medium Gel Transfer method.

Sydney Opera house with Cub

Taj Mahal and Rainforest

Big Ben and Bushland

Statue of Liberty and Graffiti Eyes
 Here are some works in progress.
We started the process by collecting large images (wallpaper size) of our favourite Icons, we cut the image out from its background and introduced a new background and photocopied the two images we liked.

Once they have been put onto the board, using the acrylic gel transfer method, we are in the process of painting.  Students have the choice of using just black and white or introducing colour to the background or Icon.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Famous Faces (stencils) on Fabric Banners

Works in Progress -Nearly finished!!! Have to be.. end of term next week.
This is a mixed medium project that I am doing with my year eights classes.  We started by finding a picture of a famous person they liked, admired, most chose famous singers. Students copied and pasted their picture it into a word document and turned it into a stencil; by using the picture pop up - you can turn any picture into black and white (no tones).  Everyone made their own paper stencil out of the face they chose. I photocopied them all onto cartridge paper A3 size - and students cut them out. Cartridge paper was better, a lot stronger than normal printing paper from the photocopier.

We had a fun lesson experimenting with paint, firstly on paper, each student played with paint first. Then transferred their ideas onto a piece of cotton fabric; stretched out on a table and made a big mess and had fun.

After the fabric was dry we sprayed the back of the stencil with spray adhesive and used black spray cans to spray the faces onto the painted fabric backgrounds.

We glued the fabric onto cardboard - as the fabric gets hard and unattractive! Experiment with attaching fabric to cardboard to get the best result.  We had lots of trouble getting our fabric straight and stopping the cardboard from buckling.

Lastly each student had fun with any medium they chose: black felt tips, oil pastels, chalk pastels, acrylic paint, charcoal, glitter, paint in a sauce bottle, anything they wanted to artistically transform their faces into eye catching designs!! Here are some of their banners. Lots more to come.  

Finally we used eyelets and made holes to add string (braided, twisted, painted, natural) to hang them around the school.  The library and the front offices will look extremely colourful, once they are all finished and handing up for display.  


Saturday, 2 June 2012

Year 9 - Chalk Pastel portraits

Here is a look at our first attempt at doing large scale chalk pastels, my year nine students brought in a photograph of themselves or a family member, we learnt how to grid up our photos to large scale.  We then transferred our drawings onto pastel paper and here are some of our artworks in pastel.  Some chose to do black and white, which was quiet affective.

We still have a number of unfinished works in progress..with only three weeks to the end of semester, that is one of my challenges to get more completed.

Text as Art - Year 9

Coloured Pencils on Canson Paper

"Text as Art" - year nine students were asked to design a piece of artwork that used words, lyrics, poetry, quotes, songs segments, that related to them in any way.  Any medium could be used; they chose the techniques and media to produce their own artwork; these are some of the results of independent investigation and techniques based around text.

Coloured and lead pencil

Acrylic Paint (sauce bottle used to write with)

Chalk Patel, black felt tip writing.

Acrylic paint

Lead Pencil

Chalk Pastels